Necklace 2 in 1 for Aromatherapy mandala with white crystal


This necklace is made of birch wood and is 3 mm thick and 18 mm in diameter


2 in stock



Each stone or crystal has a unique structure and vibration that can help to promote physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.

White Crystals symbolize innocence and purity. They carry good and light energies and will act as a light in the darkness. If you need to perform cleansing, White Crystals will be able to cleanse your surroundings and remove the attached negativities. White crystals are powerful tools for amplifying your spiritual growth and awakening consciousness.

They are usually used to attract good fortune and to provide protection from the dark.

Pour a few drops of your favorite essential oil on the pendant to experience aromaterapy to-go

If you do not know about essential oils, you can read the dedicated site on this website or consult an aromatherapyst and learn about this fantastic world of aromas


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