Essenzo Guide

Live your Essence

To enjoy the full Essenzo Jewellery experience you can put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on your pendant

Aromatherapy works by inhaling the scents of essential oils through the nose or by absorbing the oil into the skin. Essential oils are used in holistic healing treatments and are natural plant extracts from flowers, stems, barks, leaves, roots, or other parts of plants. Its use ranges from pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function to treat asthma, insomnia, fatigue, depression, inflammation, alopecia, cancer, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, menstrual disorders, menopausal syndromes, etc.

The use of essential oils has a several thousand years old history. There are records of aromatic plants and essential oils being used in biblical times. Ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians used essential oils in their medical treatments. Also East, Indian and Chinese doctors were well aware of the therapeutic properties of plant oils and have been using them in their practice for a long time.

When buying essential oils it is important to look out for labels that claim the oil is made “with 100% natural essential oils”.

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